

Randy Martens

Randy Martens

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My Max Social Security

Randy Martens
1250 Capital of Texas Hwy. South, Building III, Suite 400
Austin, TX 78746
(877) 975-WMap


Social Security Help Provided

If you are married or ever have been married,
find out how to maximize your Social Security benefits.

Please note, if your age is not between 56 and 68, the calculations will not be exact, and your retirement age will not be 66.

Please enter your Social Security benefit
Current age
At Age 62  a month
At FRA  a month
At Age 70  a month
Please enter your spouse's Social Security benefit
Current age
At Age 62  a month
At FRA  a month
At Age 70  a month


Notes and Disclaimers

1. We did our best with the formulas and believe that they are accurate, but do not guarantee them. Once you and your advisor determine from our formulas the best way for you to maximize your Social Security income, make an appointment with the Social Security office and visit them in person. If the agent that you speak with does not agree that you can use our strategies, ask to speak to a manager.
2. The formulas are designed for folks that were born between 1943 and 1954. If you were born outside of those years, the numbers will not be entirely accurate, but they will be close.
3. You can utilize an ex-spouses Social Security income without hurting theirs and you do not even need to contact them. As long as you were married for at least 10 years, the formulas work the same as if you were still married.